This legacy combines the rules of the Random Legacy Challenge with the Nothing is Free Challenge.
If you're interested in the full rules for either challenge you can find them here for the Nothing is Free Challenge and here for the Random Legacy Challenge.


If a roll is impossible due to NIF restrictions, I reroll.
If I don't have the neccessary lot for a sim's career roll, I will have the sim earn that lot. Until then I will choose an alternate means of making money related to the roll (Eve rolled Art Appraiser, she will paint for money until I have the rabbithole). All other income rules of the RLC apply as usual.
The lifespan is default. I rolled early for future generations so I can plan ahead and earn needed lots and rabbitholes in advance.


And here in more detail. These are the general rules for the Nothing is Free Challenge (shortened) and how to combine them with a Random Legacy, copied from the link above. The skill requirements for each lot would be too much to write up here, so please look them up in the official thread if you're curious!

To Begin:
1. You need a completely empty world. Lots can be laid out if you want, but none of them may be built upon at all and any community lots must be set to "No Visitors Allowed". How you obtain such a world, whether you empty out one of the premade ones or whether you have a custom one does not matter. But it cannot have a single rabbithole, park, or anything like that - it must be empty. There also may not be any Sims living in this world.
2. You may make 1 CAS Sim in this world, and 1 only. You are never allowed to make any other CAS Sims. Gender, exact age, etc. are all up to you. Pets may not be created with them.
3. Move this Sim into an empty lot in your empty world, and that starts your challenge.

How to Play:
You'll notice right off the bat that your Sim can't have a standard career. With no rabbitholes, your Sim can't get a rabbithole job - there isn't even a school for your kids! And you can't even register as self-employed and get a stipend without a City Hall. And while it's possible to actually get yourself employed in a couple of the professions in this state, there are certain requirements (see below) and most of them are pretty much impossible when you're the only Sim in town anyway. You'll have to find some other means of making money.
You're also going to have a hard time finding mates for your first few generations. I suggest hanging out by the mailbox, ordering pizza, or hiring a maid and hope someone of the appropriate gender shows up. Kids may be biological, adopted, or created in some fashion - none of that is restricted.
If you want rabbitholes, other community lots, neighbors and the like then you have to earn them! Every additional lot has requirements of some sort. Most community lots require money and skills, and other residences require money and Sims to put in them.

Combining with the Random Legacy Challenge:
- If you do not have a lot required for a Sim's career, for either the Primary Income or Secondary Income, have that Sim earn the required lot. If doing so would be impossible or close enough to it that you don't want that degree of difficulty, you may have them earn an easier lot that would help future generations earn that lot. All Sims unable to work their rolled careers may earn an income by selecting an alternative income type related to what they're earning. 
- Sims who can do their rolled career may earn a lot of your choice. Additionally, any non-heir children who can earn a lot for you before they move out as a YA may do so.
- If the Generation Goal or Misc. Fun can't be done due to what you have in your city, earning the lot that you need during that generation counts as satisfying the goal even if you can't earn the lot and achieve it. If even that is impossible, reroll. Example: Your Sim is a Tattoo Addict, there is no Salon in your city, one of their kids earns a Salon before moving out and your Sim is then able to get tattoos. That would count as satisfying the goal even though they wouldn't be able to get their weekly tattoo until it's earned.
- If anything is impossible or obviously unfair (like rolling photography for your first Sim, who would have to go on vacation to get a camera and then be unable to earn a community lot) you may reroll.
- If your Sims have the money, you may move in an NPC at any time to use their money to buy the NPC a house of their own provided that you move them into their new home immeadiately.
- All other rules in both challenges still apply. Where one rule is looser than the other, follow the stricter one. For example, the rules for this challenge state that you must start with a single Sim, while the Random Legacy rules allow you to start with a couple if you want to and have rolled for a couple. You should follow the rules for this challenge in that case because that's stricter.

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