Freitag, 15. Juni 2018

1.1 - Arrested on an empty island

This is a Random Legacy/Nothing is Free Challenge. For those who don't know the NIF challenge, it essentially means starting with a world that is completely empty and having your sims earn all lots, usually by maxing all related skills and being able to afford it (details on every lot here) and only 1 per sim.
The world is Isla Paradiso which I manually emptied by bulldozing every lot except for the diving areas (which I of course won't use unless I earned one). IP is a beautiful world that I never play because of the lag that makes it unplayable, but deleting everything from it gets rid of the routing issues and thus the lags, so it's perfect for this challenge.
This is my founder Eve Adamaz. Get it? Because she lives in the paradise and is the first woman here!
(originally I just named her Eve Adams but I didn't want her to be mixed up with a Canadian politician)
Her traits are artistic, rebellious, avant garde, ambitious, and over-emotional. I think you can already tell where this is going?
And these are the rolls:

The Shake Up
2 Children
Art Appraiser (Appraisal)
Criminal (Evil)
Hobby, or Obsession?

For Art Appraiser I will have her make money painting until I earn the rabbithole (which is the criminal warehouse for art appraisers - I had to look that up). Her partner in crime will search the galaxy for stars until he can start his job. Author is doable without a lot so that's good.
And this is our empty lot in our empty world. Nice view!
Since NIF is aaall about building stuff from the ground up, I took some time to make a cheap but charming beach style house for Eve.
As you can see I didn't build up until the edges of the houseboat so there's some room to expand (for a kids' room?). As you can see I totally forgot about the laundry but luckily it was still day 1 when I remembered to add it so no rules were broken! But with an added hamper, washing machine, clothesline, and the skilling objects I will need I was pretty much broke at this point.
Kitchen and bathroom are pretty cramped but it'll do for now. Upstairs:
That's a decent enough start. Now all we need is to find a man so Eve can make some "future island inhabitants".
... or wait until he finds us.
To nobody's surprise the university mascot is the first one to show up. How he found us here is anyone's guess. Other humans are rare out here so we gladly accept the first willing candidate and spend a good portion of the first day talking him into submission.
"Would you pleaaase move in with me?"
"Nah, this island is boring. Nothing to do here."
"That's why I need you to populate and rebuild it!"
"Wait, you mean making babies with you until the entire island is inhabited by my descendants, owning every single lot in town and have them named after me? And I don't have to wear that costume anymore?"
"Uh-huh, something like that..."
"I'm in!"
And so it is done.
Brooks Branch is the guy's name who just moved in with us and I immediately go into CAS with MasterController to confirm my suspicions.
Yep, he's a classic vanilla face with every slider at 50%. Booo. It's not a huge makeover but I do tweak him a little to get the pudding out of his face.
Now you're ready to spread your genes! Eve, I hope you like what I did?
Well, too bad for you because you don't get to be picky when you're the only two people in the world.
Both of them need the criminal warehouse for their careers. I will have Brooks earn that (Logic and Athletics maxed + $50,000) so Eve is free to work on... nope, that will be a surprise!
On a sidenote, Brooks' amazing traits are flirty, party animal, inappropriate, charismatic, childish.
Being both inappropriate and childish his favourite autonomous actions are to scare or heckle Eve. So he's not only unattractive but also annoying and always actively working on destroying their early relationship (and he's destined to become the Emperor of Evil). Great!
Don't worry Eve, I rolled "The Shake Up".
Speaking of rolls, there's also the generation goal "Hobby or Obsession?". Eve's hobby will be street art, which helps with her lifetime wish (Street Credible) as well as earning her some rebel points to gain access to the art appraiser career. Brooks will go jogging around the island, also a nice way to get rid of the Stir Crazy moodlet which can be a bit annoying in NIF challenges early on.
But for whatever reason sims can't go jogging until they're already trained in athletics, so we get to watch him fail at doing chin-ups first.
I would totally understand not being able to do chin-ups (I can't do it either) but how on earth do you manage to fall on your butt from it?
At this point I had to reload the game due to a cheaty very fast skill gain bug but luckily I had saved right after the makeover and reloading got rid of the bug.
Eve started painting on the first day. You have this awesome view and that's what you're painting? After completing this piece of art Eve wishes to improve her painting skill. I have the same wish.
Maybe she's more of a natural talent with the spray can?
Yeah, that looks pretty cool. But why always the same tag, how about adding a little variety? Just keep practicing!
Wait, what?! This island is completely empty save for Eve and Brooks and you're going to arrest me for spraying on the port of my own houseboat?! Oh, you gotta be kidding me!
I'm curious where the police car will lead her, given that we don't have a police department yet.
Answer: she's just entering the car, wait there for half a second, and then leave again when the police officer realizes there's no jail on the island. Longest arrest ever.
We don't have $1,000 yet... The officer takes away our entire household funds and leaves Eve with $0 and a bad moodlet.
Guess I have to be more careful in the future. The next days are spent pretty much entirely on raising the painting skill for Eve and the athletic and logic skills for Brooks, with some relationship building in between.
Uhhh, wait, what trait unlocks the sponge bath option at the sink? Inappropriate?

Anyway, we need money badly. So additionally to Eve's painting and Brooks' stargazing I decided to have both of them blog and hope that I will receive some random donations since that is still within the rules.
This is also where I discovered that Brooks already moved in with a broken phone.
And that's where this blogpost ends (no donations needed!) as the first week on our lonely island passes.

Street Art: 2
Painting: 4

Logic: 4
Athletic: 3
Social Networking: 1

Household Funds
$44 / $50,000 for next community lot (criminal warehouse) [that's 0,09%!]

4 Kommentare:

  1. Ahhh I love this! Eve is gorgeous. *_* And I'm so glad you edited Brooks' pudding face. He looks pretty good now!

    "After completing this piece of art Eve wishes to improve her painting skill. I have the same wish." xD

    Unlocking the rabbithole within the random legacy money rules seems extremely tough! Good luck there!

    1. Thank you! ♥ Yeah I think so too, he doesn't have the most unique face but he's attractive enough (well, not for Eve apparently).

      It's doable but there are some rolls that are impossible in the first or second generation (mostly stuff that needs charisma or photography) so I had to reroll there. Painting my way to $50k for the rabbithole shouldn't be too hard I think, I'm more concerned about having to build and pay for every new residential lot!

  2. The officer didn't even take her to the edge of town! (Which randomly, is what happens if you paint street art at university)

    Thank you for explaining the whole vanilla face thing. I figured it was super common but I never let my sims mate with townies (until recently) and after a decade of playing this game or whatever, I can't tell them apart from normal sims.

    That crappy painting. She's literally painted what the toilet looked like the last time it needed to be fixed. xP

    That 1 out of 10 though... oh yeah and the house is so cute!

    1. I didn't know that! Apparently never did street art at uni.

      You'll probably see that vanilla face more frequently here, since all sims apart from my founder are just randomly generated NPC sims who have that face very very often. I make sure to give them at least a minor makeover or the town will be run entirely by clones.

      Thanks ♥ I rarely build from scratch but I will have to do so a lot in this game, so I hope my Building skill levels up a bit during this legacy.
