Sonntag, 17. Juni 2018

1.2 - The pizza girl and the baby who disappeared into a black hole

Back to our empty version of Isla Paradiso where Eve is happily ranting away about the weather being too good.
So far Eve and university mascot Brooks have only been roommates, but Brooks is starting to become impatient and he's the first to make a move.
"So, how about we get right down to that populating the island thing you talked about? Since we're the only two people here..."
Eve: "Fine, let's get it over with already. Just don't think I'm doing that for any other reason than increasing the population."
I let them go upstairs and the chimes tell me that they were successful. After the baby-making Brooks rolls a wish to kiss Eve, so I direct them to cuddle first and...
Oh, come on! I don't think I've ever had a sim accept the woohoo but reject the cuddle... Eve really isn't feeling it with Mr. 1 out of 10, huh?
(Eve is wearing Kerry's sleepwear outfit here... I changed it afterwards, sorry for the accidental similarity)
At least the baby is underway now!
I swear she has that broken heart speech bubble everytime they have romantic interactions, see above.

"Since you're already carrying my baby now, how about we make it legal with this ring?"
 To my surprise she says yes, and Brooks takes on Eve's last name. They have a private wedding on the balcony, there's no one they could invite to a big party anyway. The scenery is quite beautiful though.
Hey, is that the fetus you are trying to paint there? Looks a bit like an attempt at a self-made ultrasonic picture of the baby to me.
On a sidenote, last chapter I mocked her for one of her first paintings, but Eve is actually really critical of her own work too. Thanks to the Avant Garde trait she will very frequently walk around her house and critique every single painting she made.
 She's clearly not a fan of her early stuff either.
But I will leave it there so it can mock you every single day and encourage you to do better!
Brooks comes home from his daily jog.
"Hey, is that my wife giving birth on the balcony?"
There is no hospital on the island so she has no other choice than a homebirth. But that doesn't seem to bother her one bit because her first instinct immediately after giving birth is "Gotta blog about miracle of birth".
~ Just popped this baby out, like and subscribe! ~
It's a boy, his name is Emilio and I think he had the Artistic and Genius traits. That's because he, just like his parents, will need to max some skills and earn a lot of money to help rebuilding Isla Paradiso.

A few days later I let Eve order pizza. It's not that they're too lazy to cook, I just have to use every opportunity to meet other sims. My rolls are "Shake Up" as well as half-siblings, so eventually I will need to find yet another man for Eve for the second pregnancy, and also a roommate (male or female) for the shake up roll that she will not be romantic with.
The pizza girl is female so she's a potential future roommate. I ask her to hang out to get to know her better and see if I like her.
Unfortunately she seems more interested in Emilio than Eve.
That's fine, free babysitting lets the parents work on their skills in peace. I mean, what could possibly go wrong? Right??
Until the message pops up that pizza girl has to go and instead of putting him in his crib and driving away like a normal sim she just disappears from the world WITH MY BABY.
What?? Where is the baby?!

Emilio was still listed under his parents' relationships and they also kept rolling the wish to snuggle him, but he was nowhere to be found and simply no longer in the household. Resetting and all that stuff didn't bring him back either.
At this point I quit and restarted from last save, which was just before pregnancy. Sure, they're still young enough that I could have simply made them have another baby but when crazy stuff like sims disappearing into thin air happens I'm a bit afraid of future complications with the save.
It was a boy again and I gave him the same name and traits so let's just pretend that kidnapping never happened.
Although this time the repowoman came during Eve's pregnancy and took the crib. Pizza girl in disguise maybe? I think my game already hates Emilio.

So I replay the pregnancy and birth, but I don't have to wait long until I can yell "whaaat?" at my screen for the second time in this chapter. Luckily, it is not a bug this time.
Brooks was searching the galaxy as he does every night until...
TEN THOUSAND? I didn't even know that was possible!
That'll help a lot with new lots! I'm obviously happy about it but it does make me question if making money with the telescope should really be allowed in a normal RLC. I will certainly stay away from it in my Harris legacy, should I ever have a sim who's into logic stuff.

I expanded the house walls a little to make room for a simple nursery. It's not much but it works.
I believe this was week 2 in the game, although I'm not great at keeping track of time. Which is also why I make sure to fulfill the "Hobby or Obsession?" requirements on every sunday so I don't forget about it later in the week. For Brooks' hobby this is easy, he goes out jogging almost every day anyway, Eve's hobby is a lot riskier though...
Luckily I haven't been caught this time! For some reason I don't get the option to spray on my own lot (is it because it is a houseboat maybe?) so I have to do it the hard way and risk paying a $1,000 fine for "vandalism" in the "town". Although to be fair I made a lot of these when I was broke anyway. Can't take money from me if I have none!
Street Art: 4
Painting: 7
Social Networking: 2

Logic: 6
Athletic: 7
Social Networking: 2

Household funds
10,246 / 50,000 for next community lot (criminal warehouse)

7 Kommentare:

  1. I have heard about the kidnapping bug. Apparently you can go into edit town and put missing baby and an adult in the clipboard and then remerge them back into your household. At least that's what Carls Sims Guide says to do. Just an FYI in case it happens again (but hopefully not!).

    I think it is hilarious that Eve doesn't care for Brooks. It makes the Shake Up more believable if she decides to just dump him instead of him having some unfortunate accident.

    1. Ooh, thanks! I'll remember that next time I order pizza!

      Yeah, it's like she can't wait for the Shake Up to finally happen, ha. But he has to earn the criminal warehouse first and that requires a good bit of money.

    2. Just have him keep searching the galaxies. Maybe he'll find 4 more black holes. LOL

  2. 10,000 is super rare, I don't think you have to worry about it happening accidentally. Normal discoveries are around 150 if I recall.

    The baby must be in the 'homeless' family and got compressed by the game like all the npcs. I doubt you could have brought him back unless under NRAAS MC (selecting the city hall that's a lark, or a computer) you were able to make him active. That's horrible and hilarious all at the same time. When a baby is born in my game I age him to toddler and save to bin before cancelling the age up in CAS. It would bother me to much to not know what he was going to look like.

    1. I have discovered about 40 celestial objects now and even though I haven't found another black hole, I did have discoveries between 600 and 2000 quite often; the higher the logic skill the better the discovery. So that's definitely profitable enough for me to say I'll stay away from it in a "normal" RLC.

      Ah, that makes sense... hm, if I ever have another baby kidnapped I will try this!
      When I play on longer lifespan like my other RLC I always peek at how the kids will look like at later lifestages! :P But I'm not doing that here because they age up so quickly anyway. Guess we will never know how kidnapped baby would have turned out!

  3. "Just don't think I'm doing that for any other reason than increasing the population." She really meant that! Eve must be happy about the shake up roll!

    I thought NPCs kidnapping babies was patched out. O_O I didn't know this could still happen.

    Moneybag, haha! Yeah, the black hole discovery must be super rare like the notif says, I wouldn't feel guilty about that.

    1. She wasn't really into him from the beginning! Oddly, Brooks does like her.

      I've only had it happen once so far in 40+ discovered objects, but not gonna lie, it came in pretty handy here :P
